Our Approach

At McKenna Collins we focus on You, our client.  We are here to improve your financial future.

Some of our clients require comprehensive advice across all aspects of their financial lives. Others require advice on a single aspect. We help you determine the areas that need to be addressed and tailor our financial advice to your unique set of circumstances and objectives.

Our initial discussions will be focused on you. We will help you understand what your objectives are and what scope of advice you need. From there, we will undertake research, analysis and assessment of the options available. We’ll document the options and recommendations available and discuss them with you. We’ll then implement the agreed plan for you. Periodically, we will review your circumstances and objectives with you.

At McKenna Collins we believe your financial decisions need to be centred around four key areas: You; your cash flow; your assets; and your protection. 


What drives you, what is your attitude to money, what is your risk appetite or threshold, what are your lifestyle goals, what are your financial goals? Understanding you is the most important element in determining a strategy to steer you to financial security. You provide us with the ‘goal posts’.

McKenna Collins will get you thinking, test your thinking and agree on the scope of advice with you. You may need a comprehensive financial review or advice limited to one area. We’ll review your ‘goal posts’ with you periodically.

Your Cashflow

How much income do you earn, where does it come from, when does it come, what are your expenses, when do you pay bills, do you budget, do you have loans, how are your bank accounts set up, are you entitled to government payments, how much tax are you paying?

Tweaking elements of your cash flow can have a significant impact on how quickly you can build wealth. Cash (flow) is king.

McKenna Collins will review your situation and determine the best way to maximise your cash flow, minimise your expenses and make you as tax efficient as possible.

Your Assets

What are your assets, what are your liabilities, who owns the assets, where is your superannuation, how much growth do you anticipate? Assets provide you with income and growth to help fund your lifestyle now and into the future. Assets provide wealth and lifestyle choice.

McKenna Collins will assess and analyse investment and superannuation options aligned to your risk appetite and implement these as agreed.

Your Protection

What happens if you can’t work, what happens if you or your partner are no longer around? You’ve worked hard to build cash flow, assets and in some cases, a business, so you need to ensure you protect them. Protection is your Plan B.

McKenna Collins will determine your insurance needs with you, find solutions and implement these as agreed.

Fees and remuneration

We make sure our fees are transparent, understood and agreed to by you. We will agree with you the services to be provided and what they will cost before any services commence. The agreed fees charged for our advice and services will be based on a set dollar amount that is invoiced directly to you or in some cases, paid via your financial product with your consent. Our agreed advice fees may include charges for the initial advice and/or for annual servicing and advice. In some cases, we may receive a commission from an insurance product provider. Any such commission will be disclosed to you prior to the establishment of the policy.

Contact Us

  116 Gordon St, Gordon Park, QLD 4031

  PO Box 127, Wilston, QLD 4051

  (07) 3357 6070

[email protected]

  116 Gordon St, Gordon, Park, QLD 4031

Postal: PO Box 127, Wilston, QLD 4051

(07) 3357 6070

[email protected]
